About Us

Smart Travel LLC was established on June 12, 2015, with just seven employees. The trademark registered company in a short span of 6 years has become an international brand to be reckoned with and a trusted partner of UAE travelers and visitors.

Today, Smart Travel boasts more than 100 employees and 11 branches in the Emirates, with plans afoot to open 6 more branches by the end of 2022 covering the Middle East, Europe and India.

The company, which has seen phenomenal growth with its annual turnover hitting Dh350million, has now set sights on being the number #1 B2B and B2C company with an estimated turnover of Dh700m by 2025.

Smart Travel pioneers in implementing exemplary CSR activities with far-reaching benefits that include fighting hunger and ensuring good health, improving labour policies, staff family welfare, diversity and inclusion.